API Documentation

Mobile Billing / Premium SMS / UK PayForIt

PFI/Carrier payment is a direct method to get fast payments via mobile carrier. All subscriber acquisition and billing is done by the PFI provider.

User Flow

  1. Call the /api/dcb/init method via S2S POST request.
  2. Get the PFI-URL as response from /api/dcb/init request.
  3. Redirect users browser to the PFI-URL received

Depending on if the user is connected to 3G/4G or WiFi one of the two flows will occur. (see example images below)

Initiate Request

POST https://<MobiPay endpoint>/api/dcb/init
DATA: account_id=<account_id>&api_key=<api_key>&source=<shortcode>&service_id=<service_id>

Upon successful call you will get http 200 response with url that the visitor should be redirected to.


Parameter Format Description
source Number Service Number / Shortcode. This is provided to you upon provisioning your service with one of our account managers.
account_id String Your account identification. This is provided to you upon provisioning your service with one of our account managers.
api_key String Your secret api key. This is provided to you upon provisioning your service with one of our account managers.
service_id String Identification of the product/service on the payment partner. This is provided to you upon provisioning your service with one of our account managers.
reference String Your specified reference identification of this transaction
return URL URL that the user is taken to, once subscribed. (Not URL Encoded)
notification URL This one will be hit, every time there is a successful charge of the user. (Not URL Encoded)
description String (Optional) Additional description of the transaction


You also need to implement API where HTTP POSTs would be sent whenever there is a successful billing on the subscriber. It is a standard HTTP form post, that contains parameters:

Parameter Description
event "BILLED" if successful
msisdn (Optional) The MSISDN of the user if it could be retrieved

User Flow on 3G/4G

First screen the user will see when you redirect them to the HTTP URL received is:

Initial Screen

If the user accepts, the next screen will be:

Confirmation Screen

And if the user accepts again, he will get subscribed and the next screen will be:

User Flow on WiFi

First screen the user will see when you redirect them to the HTTP URL received is:

Initial Screen

When the user enters his or her mobile number, the next screen will ask them to confirm a PIN message

PIN Verification Screen

At the same time the user will receive the following message:

PIN Code Message


If the user confirmed his subscription by either pressing the button in the Confirmation screen or confirming the PIN from the PIN Code Message , he will get subscribed and the next screen will be:

Subscription Started Screen

As well as the SMS confirmation that will look something like this:

Subscription Started Screen

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