Looking for different Marketing Campaigns? Look no further...

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In 2008 British surgeon David Nott performed a life-saving operation on a wounded teenager whilst volunteering in Congo. He received step-by-step instructions on how to perform the surgery from a colleague via text message. The operation was successful.

23 years ago, when this powerful tool was invented, the world of communication changed forever, especially the world of marketing! Communication is the only way to get your business seen and heard, everyone is busy focusing on the latest technology and impressive, cutting-edge marketing campaigns, but let's not forget about SMS.

There are many factors which make Bulk SMS a brilliant marketing tool to use, many industries are already using this to improve their business's overall performance and customer satisfaction.

NHS saved £3,000 on nurse appointments and £15,000 in GP appointments annually by using bulk SMS for patient appointment reminders.

National Express, the travel company saved an estimated £8,500 annually by offering SMS tickets as an alternative to printed tickets.

The average person now spends more time on their phone and laptop than sleeping study claims, so what better way to get their attention than putting the message right there in their hands!

SMS is the fastest form of communication, they are quick to send, quick to read and quick to respond to. Once sent into a bulk SMS gateway, it takes seconds for the messages to be sent out, so it definitely is the speediest way to market your business!

There are no spam filters on inboxes so you know for sure your customer will open and read the message without fail, but be careful as you want to build good relationships so don't spam them as they will unsubscribe to the service. Use the tool responsibly and gain their attention at the right time. It is all about engaging, listening and interacting, when executing a bulk SMS campaign, you can offer your customers the opportunity to respond to either short code numbers which is normally around five digits, or a full-length mobile numbers.

You can make this really easy and convenient for your customers, they can be anywhere doing anything; on a train, at home, on their sofa, whether it's a ‘yes' or a ‘no' response, useful information for them to read is more convenient for your customers than receiving; mail, calls or emails.

Sending an SMS is cheap compared to many other forms of communication, however the real money-saving does come from the benefits of bulk SMS, Mobivate is the world's leading mobile messaging specialists who deal with Bulk SMS every hour, every day! Their prices start as little as 3p.

The most important factor of all is… how efficient and friendly it is to the environment, with no printing and no paper, there is no waste! There is no transportation, this equals; no fuel, meaning there are huge environmental benefits to bulk SMS and it is great for companies that are constantly looking to reduce their carbon footprint.

So what are you waiting for!

Get your business out there in the hands of your customers!