API Documentation

Premium SMS / Message Parameters

Send Text SMS (MT) parameters

When sending text SMS MT messages, the following parameters should be sent as part of the HTTP GET request:

Parameter Required Description
USER_NAME Yes Username / Account ID provided to you by Mobivate
PASSWORD Yes Password / API Key provided to you by Mobivate
ORIGINATOR Yes Phone number of the Originator / Sender of the message. Valid originator strings are: • Numeric originators: Numbers starting with 614xxxxxxxx • Shortcode originators: Numbers starting with 13, 18 or 19 • Alphanumeric originators: Up to 11 characters, where at least one of the 11 must be a letter (Alpha) For example: • MYCOMPANY • 61417188345 • 1300123
RECIPIENT Yes Phone number of the recipient (mobile phone) in international format (MSISDN) For example: 61417188345
MESSAGE_TEXT Yes The SMS message to be delivered to the recipient. This field must be URL Encoded to ensure accurate interpretation of the message. For example: • “&” à “%36” • “ “ à “%20”
PROVIDER No Identifies the telco provider (Telstra/Optus…) for Premium SMS Messages only For standard SMS messages, the field value must set to DEFAULT or left blank. For example: Telstra
VALUE No Specifies the value of a Premium SMS message, in cents (this applies to all currencies). To be used only in conjunction with the PROVIDER field. For example: 300 à $3.00 250 à $2.50
REFERENCE No Used by the sender to identify sent messages. Setting this field allows senders to easily track their messages For example: ABC123
URL No When specified, the message will be sent as WAP Push. A link will appear on the handset showing the MESSAGE_TEXT parameter, and upon clicking the handset will be forwarded to the specified URL. This field must be URL Encoded. For example: • http%3A%2F%2Fdomain.com%2Ffolder%2Fwap%2Ffile.wml
STARTED Yes in Kenya and South Africa Contains the date of when the Subscription first started (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)
KEYWORD Yes in Kenya, South Africa and UK Contains the product id (on the network side) to which the subscriber was subscribed. See Keyword Requirements below
DR_ENDPOINT No The URL that the delivery notifications should be sent to for this message. We still suggest using a globaly defined DR endpoint. This one overrides it

Keyword requirements : Kenya

The Keyword parameter in Kenya must be as follows productid:serviceid. Product ID and Service ID are given to you after the service is provisioned with the networks in Kenya

Keyword requirements : South Africa

The Keyword parameter in South Africa must be as follows productid. Product ID is given to you after the service is provisioned with the networks in South Africa.

Keyword requirements : UK

The Keyword parameter in UK must be as follows campaignid. Campaign ID is given to you after the service is provisioned with the networks in UK.

Send BINARY SMS (MT) parameters

When sending binary SMS MT messages, in addition to the standard SMS MT message parameters, the following parameters should be sent as part of the HTTP GET request:

Parameter Required Description
UDH Yes OCTET Encoded User Data Header (UDH)
BINARY Yes OCTET Encoded binary data

Receive SMS (MO) parameters

When receiving SMS MO messages, the following parameters will be sent as part of the HTTP GET request:

Parameter Description
ORIGINATOR Phone number of the originator (mobile phone) in international format (MSISDN) For example: 61417188345
RECIPIENT Service code / Shortcode number of the recipient.
MESSAGE_TEXT The SMS message to sent by the Originator.
PROVIDER Identifies the telco provider (Telstra/Optus..)This field will be set to PREMIUM or left blank when receiving standard SMS messages For example: Telstra
REFERENCE The SMS Gateway will populate this parameter with our unique message identifier. Customers are encouraged to make sure no two messages are received with the same reference. For example: ABC123
VALUE Billing amount in lowest denomination of the currency. If "0" then the MO's are to be considered free to the sender.
KEYWORD If applicable, the product/service keyword identified by the MNO.
CAMPAIGN If applicable, the product/service campaign identified by the MNO.

Receive Delivery Receipt (DR) parameters

When receiving SMS MT Delivery Receipt, the following parameters will be sent as part of the HTTP GET request:

Parameter Description
USER_NAME Username provided to you by Mobivate
PASSWORD Password provided to you by Mobivate
ORIGINATOR Phone number of the Originator / Sender of the message
RECIPIENT Phone number of the recipient (mobile phone) in international format
MESSAGE_TEXT The SMS message to sent by the Originator.
PROVIDER Identifies the Telco provider (Default/Telstra/Optus..)
REFERENCE The reference provided by the client when sending the MT
ID The SMS Gateway’s internal message ID
RESULT The current status of the message

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