API Documentation

Premium SMS / Examples

Send SMS via HTTP (MT) Example

The following shows a URL example for sending a SMS MT message:

Method: GET /srs/api/sendsms?

The following shows a response example for successfully sending a SMS MT message:


The following shows a response example for a failure when sending SMS MT message:

Username or Password incorrect

Receive SMS via HTTP (MO) Example

When a SMS MO message arrives at the SMS Gateway, it will send the following request to your application:

Method: GET http://www.yoursite.com.au/SMSfromMobiles?

** You need to provide us with the MO destination (URL) before we can provide you with an account credentials.

Receive Delivery Receipt via HTTP (DR) Example

When the SMS Gateway receives an update on the status of a message, it will send the following request to your application:

Method: GET http://www.yoursite.com.au/DeliveryReciept?

** If you would like to receive Delivery Receipts, you need to provide us with the Delivery Receipt destination (URL).

Acknowledging the MO and DR is received successfully

Upon receiving the MO / DR notification, your server needs to respond with a HTTP 200, and a body "0" (ZERO)


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